Kultura nova foundation
Filburg designed a two-phased research report on the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and Zagreb earthquakes on the cultural sector in Croatia.
Kultura nova foundation is a governmental institution that financially supports civil associations and organisations in the field of contemporary culture and art in the Republic of Croatia. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and after the Zagreb earthquakes, the Foundation carried out an extensive research about the effects that these phenomena had on the organisations of civil society. In the second phase, in cooperation with the Ministry of culture and media of the Republic of Croatia the research was extended to cover the effects on the cultural sector as a whole.
Filburg designed the presentation of these results in the form of interactive and responsive websites with clear and readable summaries intended for wider public and media. We also produced publications full of complex data visualisations for download in PDF formats. Outputs from both research phases are visually and functionally aligned to function as a whole.
- Layout and DTP
- Information design
- Graphic design
- UX/UI design
- Production

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